External (USB) drives


I’m using Debian GNU/Linux and I backup my data to external (USB) drives. This page describes how I’ve setup those drives, that is how I’ve recreated a partition table (with a single Linux type partition) and how I’ve formatted and labeled the partition with the ext4 filesystem. This of course erases all the data on the drive, so don’t do that if your external drive contains precious data that you must preserve and retain!

Indications about how to format to FAT32 are also provided.

Recreating the partition table

Device identification

I’ve plugged in the USB drive and have identified the associated device by checking the output of the dmesg command (as root). The last lines should contain the name of the device (probably something like /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc) for the just mounted drive.

Alternatively, a fdisk -l command (as root) can be used, as it shows all the disk devices on the system.

Deletion of existing partitions and creation of the new partition

Launch fdisk as root with the device as argument:

fdisk /dev/sdb # As root.

Check current partition table with command p.

Delete first partition with command d. If there are more than one partition, repeat command d as many times as needed.

Create a new partition with command n. fdisk now asks for a few questions. Answer p (primary), 1 (partition number) and just press enter when asked for the first and last sectors. fdisk may propose to remove the signature, accept.

Then use command t to select the partition type. Enter “linux”. Use L to see the list of possible codes.

Finally, write the new partition table to the disk with command w.

A fdisk -l /dev/sdb command (as root) should show the newly created partition.

Formatting the new partition

Use mkfs.ext4 (as root) to format the newly created partition with the ext4 filesystem. Note the -L option used to provide the label:

mkfs.ext4 -L <label> /dev/sdb1 # As root.

If you omit the label or want to change it, you can run later:

e2label /dev/sdb1 <label> # As root.

To show the label, just do:

e2label /dev/sdb1 # As root.

FAT32 formatting

For a FAT32 formatting instead of a ext4 formatting, the procedure is similar. The differences are:

  • In fdisk, choose partition type 0c;

  • Format with mkfs.vfat -F 32 -n <label> /dev/sdb1;

  • Change label with mlabel -i /dev/sdb1 ::<label> (mlabel -i /dev/sdb1 -s to show the label).

On Debian GNU/Linux, mkfs.vfat is in package dosfstools and mlabel is in package mtools. You can install them with:

apt-get install dosfstools mtools # As root.

Chances are that dosfstools is already installed.

NTFS formatting

For an NTFS formatting, the procedure is similar again.

  • In fdisk, choose partition type 7;

  • Format with mkfs.ntfs -L <label> /dev/sdb1 (it takes a while, but you can use option -f for faster execution);

  • Change label with ntfslabel /dev/sdb1 <label> (ntfslabel /dev/sdb1 to show the label).

On Debian GNU/Linux, mkfs.ntfs and ntfslabel are in package ntfs-3g. You can install it with the following command but chances are that it is already installed:

apt-get install ntfs-3g # As root.